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South Caldwell High School

Home of the Spartans

Spanish Club

 Spanish Club

Purpose and Eligibility:

Spanish Club is a volunteer and service-oriented club. The purpose of the club is to promote Spanish culture and fellowship among club members.   The club is open to all students grades 10-12 who are currently enrolled or have previously completed a Spanish Course at SCHS.

Club Activities:

Pulsera Project: Global service project

Our annual philanthropic activity is the Pulsera Project fundraiser. In November, we sold handmade bracelets from Nicaragua.  100% of the sale proceeds went to this non- profit organization, with the purpose to help employ local artists, support education, provide scholarships, and aid with worker's rights and community projects in Nicaragua. This was our 5th year and we raised over $1,600 for the Pulsera Project.

Somos Amigos (Smart Lunch), yearlong FLEX activity

Somos Amigos is a conversational lunch for students to practice English and Spanish conversational skills while meeting new friends. All students taking ESL and/or Spanish classes are invited to attend.  Students break up into small groups to have conversations on targeted topics/prompts in both English and Spanish.

Latin American Celebration:  

ESL and Spanish club/Spanish 2 classes will participate in a Spanish Culture project for an upcoming Latin American celebration during Smart Lunch. Each group has at least one group member who is from the assigned country, with 7 Spanish speaking countries represented. Groups will have displays from these countries to share information about food, holidays, important cities, sports, and music.


Anne Bentley