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South Caldwell High School

Home of the Spartans

Student Dress Code

Regulation Code: 4309-R

Student Code of Conduct (Dress Code Grades 6-12)


Pupils are expected to be properly dressed commensurate with the activities being conducted.  Board Policy 4309 states, “The Board believes the dress and personal appearance of students greatly affect their academic performance and their interaction with other students.  The Board requests that parents outfit their children in clothing conducive to learning.” 

The following dress code applies to students at ALL MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS IN CALDWELL COUNTY:

  • The length of dresses, skirts and shorts must reach at least mid-thigh. Mid-thigh is determined by the top of the inseam to the knee.
  • Pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the waist.
  • Undergarments must not be exposed.
  • The following clothing and/or items are not allowed:

*Spaghetti strap tops without shirts underneath

*Pants or shorts that have holes above mid-thigh.

*See-through clothing

*Spike bracelets or necklaces

*Shirts with low necklines

*Bedroom shoes/slippers

*Tops that expose the front, back, and/or side of the torso, including slit sides, completely bare shoulders, halter tops, muscle shirts, half shirts, etc.



  • Headgear, hats, hoods, and bandanas are not to be worn in the school building during the instructional day.  Items worn may be confiscated by the administration.
  • No clothing, jewelry or accessories with letters, initials, symbols or wording that is obscene, threatening, dangerous, offensive, inflammatory, distractive, disruptive or detrimental to the instructional process is allowed.  This includes attire that displays alcoholic beverages, drugs, and tobacco products or promotes violence, hatred or intolerance.
  • Shoes are to be worn at all times.
  • Sunglasses are not to be worn in the school building.
  • Students are not permitted to bring blankets to school.

School officials have the authority and responsibility to determine whether a student’s appearance satisfies the intent of this policy.  Anything that disrupts the learning environment will be deemed unacceptable.  The administration will ask the student to change or adjust clothing as necessary.  The administration has the final authority to deem attire as appropriate. Students are required to follow the dress code outlined in their school handbook.