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South Caldwell High School

Home of the Spartans

Traffic Pattern


Parents are not to deliver students to the administrative entrance unless the student has office permission.  Parents entering from the Hudson side and the Granite side will drop students off in the faculty lot across from the commons entrance.  Do not stop to let a student out along Spartan Drive as this interferes with traffic flow and creates a danger to students.  When students arrive to school, they will enter through the Commons Area doors, and will

  • Report to the Commons, if before 7:30 am
  • Get breakfast from the cafeteria 
  • Report to their first-period class before 7:50 am



Parents are not to pick up students in the administrative entrance or the student parking lot unless the student is handicapped.  All other afternoon pickups should occur in the faculty lot across from the commons entrance.  Do not stop to let students out or pick students up along Spartan Drive as this interferes with traffic flow and creates a danger to students.  No passenger vehicles should enter the handicapped bus loop in the student parking lot. 

Map of Traffic Pattern