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South Caldwell High School

Home of the Spartans

FCA Home

Welcome to South Caldwell
Fellowship of Christian Athletes


What is FCA and Who can attend?

The South Caldwell High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a Christian-based club open to any student, athlete or not, who wants to spend time with other Christian students.  We provide service for the school, community, nation, and world through a variety of projects. The FCA is the only school-approved Christian Club.  We meet each Wednesday morning in the theater at 7:30. New members are welcome at any time during the year so why don't you join us this Wednesday morning?

Picture of a question mark

Sponsors –


Mrs. Pam Cooke  
  Mrs. Karen Isbell
Mr. Brent Tomberlin


Area Youth Pastors

If you are interested in placing any local youth news on this webpage,
send the information via the Contact Form page, and we will place it on this page for the specified dates. We would love to have you come do a devotion for our group one Wednesday morning or during Rolling Stone Week. Please let one of us know if you are interested!