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South Caldwell High School

Home of the Spartans

Team Rules

 Team Rules

Wrestling is a TEAM sport.  Wrestling keeps a TEAM Score.  Wrestling keeps a TEAM record.  The Spartan wrestling program is and will be more important than any individual.


1.      You must be eligible to wrestle according to school and NCHSAA rules

a. Attendance Policy

b. Grades


d. Weight Loss Prevention


2.      Behavior such as throwing headgear/equipment, bad language, taunting, hazing, and disrespect towards authority will not be accepted.

3.      Making weight is a responsibility.  Wrestlers get to choose their competition weight, and that wrestler is expected to make the weight they choose to wrestle.

4.      During dual matches, wrestlers are eligible for the weight class they make or the weight class above the one they make. 

5.      All wrestlers must stay in the team area during competition.  The team area is the bench or designated area.  All parents and spectators should keep clear of the team area, mat, and score table.  In case of injury we have medical trainers to handle the situation.  If the parent is needed, we will call for you.

6.      Wrestlers are to look at the coach’s corner after each period for instructions on starting position.  This is not the individual wrestler, or parent’s decision.

7.      Attendance policy will be enforced based on the 3-5 day rule.  If a wrestler misses more than 3 days in a season they will be penalized at the coach’s discretion.  If a wrestler misses more than 5 days in a season, for any reason, then coaches will review taking action to dismiss from the team.  This includes excused and unexcused absences.

  • Excused absence examples – college visits, doctor visits, sick, school functions, family emergencies, etc.
  • Excused absences must be approved by Coach Smith in person, or by phone BEFORE practice.  A note from the office, text message, or email is not considered contact.
  • If a wrestler misses a day of practice for any reason, they will be penalized by sitting out of the next match.
  • Any unexcused miss is considered skipping practice and is grounds for dismissal from the team.
  • Extenuating circumstances can occur and this will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.